Monday, June 8, 2015

SpaceX Does Kubrick Does The Future Is Now

It was 1866 when Johann Strauss II composed his waltz An der schönen blauen Donau (On The Beautiful Blue Danube, aka The Blue Danube or The Blue Danube Waltz). I wonder if Strauss ever dreamed that his composition would become timelessly famous and symbolize humanity's evolution into a space-faring species.

Here is the clip from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, the vehicle that elevated The Blue Danube - along with the film's entire sound track - to lasting global fame. The movie was released in 1968, 102 years after Strauss composed the waltz, depicting a world set 33 years in the future, 14 years in our past.

And here is real life, today, 2015: SpaceX released a jaw-dropping video of a Falcon 9 nose shroud falling back to Earth: has more information about the making of this video here.

Full disclosure: I learned to waltz to The Blue Danube. And yes, I know how to waltz. It's practically impossible to get out of Germany without learning that.

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